Town of Butner Introduces Email Subscriptions

Email Subscriptions

**Communications Channel Update**

After careful consideration, the Town has decided to discontinue the Butner Connect app. Unfortunately, we have not received the desired level of engagement and usage to justify its continued operation. As a result, we have explored other means of communication and have decided to introduce email subscriptions. By subscribing to our email service, you will continue to receive essential information and stay up-to-date with all the latest happenings in our Town.

To sign up for email subscriptions, please follow these steps:

(1) Visit our official website at

(2) Locate the subscription section in the top right-hand corner of the homepage.

(3) Enter your email address in the designated field and choose which list you would like to subscribe to.

(4) Click the "Subscribe" button.

If you encounter any difficulties during the subscription process or have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Town staff. If you would like to submit a service request, you can contact Town Hall directly at (919) 575-3032 or come see us in person.