Following the closure of Camp Butner in 1947, this area was governed by the State of North Carolina until the Town of Butner incorporated in 2007. The State provided police and fire protection services for Butner and surrounding areas until the department was acquired by the Town in 2013. Butner Public Safety provides these fire and police services and many others for Butner’s citizens, businesses and institutions, as well as fire protection services for the Butner Reservation.
To provide the people, businesses and institutions of its jurisdiction with professional fire and law enforcement services, thereby enhancing the quality of life of those served by Butner Public Safety.
Butner Public Safety Officers are trained in law enforcement and crime prevention. Officers continuously patrol the Town to ensure safety, protect property and prevent crime. Officers conduct crime prevention programs, talk with school students and meet regularly with civic groups. The department serves institutions in and around Town, so officers must understand the special populations served by each facility. A special unit is assigned to serve the Central Regional Psychiatric Hospital.
Butner Public safety provides firefighting, fire training and fire-prevention programs for the entire community. Drills and inspections are performed regularly at the mental health care centers, industries and local businesses. Officers also provide community fire safety and education programs for area daycares, schools, churches, civic organizations, businesses and industries.
Butner Public Safety has volunteer firefighters who assist with fire calls and motor vehicle crashes. Volunteers meet regularly and attend scheduled training. If you are interested in being a volunteer firefighter, view our Employment Opportunities page or visit Butner Public Safety to obtain an application.