
Water pollution clipart

Stormwater is the runoff that occurs over land, roads, parking lots, and other surfaces during and after rain. Butner’s Stormwater Management Program is committed to the preservation and enhancement of residents’ quality of life through water uality improvement, drainage infrastructure management, flood hazard minimization, and public awareness.

Developers and Contractors: Preparing to submit plans or in process of plan review?

Stormwater Programs and Projects: The Town of Butner is in the Falls Lake Watershed, and has adopted Falls Lake Rules for New Development. Butner also has a MS4 NPDES Phase II permit from the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality. 

Stormwater Control Measure Annual Inspections: All stormwater control devices in the Town require annual inspection. 

Flood Information: Find out about flood zone determination, flood insurance information, and links to other related flood information sources.

Stormwater Fee Information: View stormwater rates, information about where stormwater dollars are spent, and frequently asked questions about the stormwater program, regional stormwater utility, stormwater fees, and rates.

Upper Neuse River Basin Association: The Upper Neuse River Basin Association (UNRBA) was formed in 1996 to provide an ongoing forum for cooperation on water quality protection and water resource planning and management within the 770-square mile watershed. UNRBA was formed by seven (of the 8) municipalities. six counties, and local soil and water conservation districts in the watershed.


The mission of the UNRBA is to preserve the water quality of the basin through innovative and cost-effective pollution reduction strategies and to constitute a forum to cooperate on water supply issues within the basin. Local governments in the watershed include: Butner, Creedmoor, Durham, Raleigh, Hillsborough, Stem, Wake Forest, and Durham County SWCD. Durham, Wake, Franklin, Granville, Orange, and Person counties are also members of the South Granville Water & Sewer Authority (SGWASA).

Service Requests

To submit a service request, please contact Town Hall at (919) 575-3032. 

Staff Contacts
Jennifer Ganser, AICP Stormwater Administrator (919) 575-3031