Soldiers Memorial Sports Arena Renovation

As part of the Incorporation Legislative Bill, the Town acquired numerous buildings and parcels of land. Soldiers Memorial Sports Arena was one of the buildings. Built in 1942 as part of Camp Butner’s recreational facilities, the arena consists of three full-size basketball courts, two scoreboards, restrooms, and several adjoining meeting rooms. It has a unique structural design, setting it apart from other gymnasiums. The complex truss roof system is designed to prevent collapse from a bomb dropped from a plane. It is said to be one of two original military gymnasiums of its design still standing in the United States. Upon acquisition, the Town of Butner quickly realized the importance of this facility and used its resources to make substantial improvements to improve users’ experiences and make its operation more energy- and cost-efficient.

The Sports Arena was completely renovated in 2009. The gym floor was repaired and refinished while other flooring was replaced. Walls and bleachers were repainted, restrooms were remodeled and new, energy-efficient lighting was installed. Other improvements included new HVAC and fire suppression systems, new backboards and goals, new volleyball nets, scoreboards, and paved parking. The total cost for this renovation was $600,000. The Sports Arena is located at 416 24th Street.

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Soldiers Memorial Sports Arena Renovation
Soldiers Memorial Sports Arena Renovation
Soldiers Memorial Sports Arena Renovation
Soldiers Memorial Sports Arena Renovation