Soldiers Memorial Sports Arena


Built-in 1942 as part of Camp Butner's recreational facilities, the arena consists of three full-size basketball courts, two scoreboards, restrooms, and several adjoining meeting rooms. It features a unique structural design, setting it apart from other gymnasiums. The complex truss roof system is designed to withstand bomb drops from planes, preventing collapse. It is said that this is one of only two original military gymnasiums of its design still standing in the United States. The Southern Military Sales Association (SMSA) was completely renovated in 2009. The gym floor was repaired and refinished, and other flooring was replaced. Walls and bleachers were repainted, restrooms were remodeled, and new, energy-efficient lighting was installed. This is a great facility with amenities to accommodate the Town’s recreation needs while preserving a piece of American history.

416 24th Street
Butner, NC 27509

5:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Monday – Friday | Walkers Only
All other times by reservation only

$30.00 per hour Monday – Friday | maximum 4 hours
$40.00 per hour Saturday – Sunday | maximum 4 hours
$150.00 daily Monday – Friday | $300.00 daily Saturday – Sunday
$200.00 per court, per day Monday – Friday | Tournaments
$250.00 per court, per day Saturday – Sunday | Tournaments

Meeting Rooms
$25.00 Non-profit / $75.00 For-profit | Carpeted Conference Room

Special Events
$250.00 per day Non-profit (includes fundraisers, special occasions, birthday parties) | Includes mat fee
$750 per day Non-profit (more than 50 people, includes fundraisers, special occasions, birthday parties)
$1,000 per day For-profit (includes all for-profit events) | Includes mat fee

All rentals require a $250.00 refundable deposit payment.

To make a reservation for a court or side room, please call (919) 575-3032 ext 0.
PLEASE NOTE: All tournaments are required to hire two (2) off-duty Butner Public Safety Officers to serve as security for the event. For more information, please contact the Administration and Recreation Specialist  at (919)575-3032.